
The Kingdom Life: A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Each of us has ties to family, friends, and strangers in our society, so our spiritual formation should touch not only ourselves but everyone we meet, including the most needy. The truest kind of transformation—the kind Jesus taught and modeled—prompts us to reach out to our neighborhood instead of withdrawing into a self-absorbed, isolated, and risk-free spirituality. For six years, a dozen...

and His mission. We are invited to be His followers and learn from Him as He is active in us and around us. We are called to enter into eternal life that begins the moment we enter the kingdom through Christ to be conformed to His image. We are His apprentices. In Him are hidden “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). The complexity of the kingdom is the vastness and infinite beauty of God’s realm that we will be discovering for all of eternity. The simplicity is that we discover
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